Thursday 18 April 2013

How Does your Garden Grow?

Today we speak with Susie Minto, who’s 38 year career has been centered on words, spoken and written. Since 2003, she has been sharing her passion for traditional stories through performances, and in storytelling, storymaking, life story and intergenerational workshops to help people tap into their creativity. Born in Scotland, her working life began in print journalism.  She moved to Ireland in 2004. Susie is also trained in Steiner Waldorf Early Childhood Education, as a facilitator in peace building using story work (NUI Galway), and as an accredited facilitator for creative writing using the Amherst Writers and Artists method. She runs creative writing groups in Fermanagh, Cavan and Leitrim and has recently completed a lengthy story gathering process for the Orange Lodge of Ireland in the border counties of the Republic.
The inspiration for this workshop literally came "out of the blue" whilst on a long car journey! It unfolded with such clarity she had to record the details into her phone before they were lost! She is eagerly looking forward to seeing the workshop come to life at the Wise Woman Weekend.

What is your main area of interest /expertise? All kinds of involvement with words, spoken and written; working with children and adults and especially intergenerationally.

How did you find out about the Wise Woman Weekend? Judith Hoad, 2007.

If you have been to the Wise Woman Weekend already, what do you like most about the event? The strong bonding, great fun and its place in creating friendships as well as informal networking, ie getting to know people in new areas of interest.

What are your hopes for the future of the Wise Woman Weekend? That it will grow and strengthen its appeal to women not only from Ireland but far beyond its shores.

What qualities do you bring to the Wise Woman Weekend? Sincerity, friendship, inspiration, warmth, encouragement, my exotic Scottishness!

Do you have a few words or a gem of wisdom you would like to share with other Women? If you truly nourish the inner you, the outer you will flourish and soar.

This year Susie's workshop is a multi-sensory exploration of how we nourish (or neglect) ourselves, family, friends. Participants will work mainly on their own to consider their inner and outer wellbeing and complete the workshop by literally planting a small sacred garden in a take home container, to have a continuing reminder into the summer of the commitments they made to nurture their connections.

Places are available for Wise Woman Weekend 2013 which takes place June 7th-9th in Co. Tipperary. 

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